Today, we went back to look for my keys. After a very long night of worrying, (how are we going to get our whole family to the baptism tomorrow, how are we all going to get to church, how are we going to get a new key made, how could I have lost them?, not to mention worrying about the money it's going to cost to get a new one), I woke up the next morning and called the dealership about the key. They said that they didn't have anyone in today to reprogram a key, so I was going to have to wait til Monday. They also said it would be $82 plus the price of a tow because they needed the car down at the dealership. That is one expensive lost key!
We decided to do one last search of the berry patch since we were going to be vanless until Monday no matter what. Doug and I went down there in the rain and searched for another hour and a half. We saw nothing on our long walks up and down the rows (but I did find the best bushes for picking, anyone up for picking blueberries?). Finally, we knew we had to give up, we were going to be late to a baptism. We felt more than a little bit frustrated, a little bit wet, and a little bit downtrodden. We decided on the way home that we were just going to have to bite the bullet and pay for them to reprogram a new key for us.
On the way home, Doug was racking his brain trying to think of all the places that his extra key could have been, but he couldn't even remember if he had them while we were living in our house (which has been almost 6 months now). However, for some reason, when he came home he began to rampage our closet. He pulled out everything in his sailbags (he's only got three) and started going through every pocket in every pair of pants he owns.
Amazingly enough, HE FOUND THE MISSING KEY! It was in a pocket of one of his dress pants that he almost never wears. That was not a coincidence! We still never found my keys, but I know our prayers were answered. Maybe our prayers weren't answered as fast as we would have liked, or maybe not in the way we would have asked them to be, but they were none the less answered. For that I am truly grateful (you should have seen our celebration dance).
By the way, if anyone ever needs someone to go looking for keys in the middle of the night with them I know the perfect person to help (thanks Kami), or maybe babysitting at the last minute (your a lifesaver KellyAnne), or if anyone ever needs to borrow a brand new van for the day, boy do I have the friends for you (some things go way above and beyond, you guys are the best). Thank you all so much for your help!
3 years ago
i'm glad you where able to find your keys. i had a similar experiance with film for from our honeymoon. i found the film 4 years later in a outer pocket of our luggage!! glad you had a happy ending!
I'm glad you are no longer keyless. Let me know when you want to go back and pick blueberries! :)
I'm glad you found the keys! Hurray! Can't wait to walk on Tuesday!
Yea! I'm glad everything worked out.
I'm glad that you were able to find the spare keys. Hopefully, your keys turn up sooner than later...
thank goodness for extra keys...I miss the days when it cost a buck to get a key made. I remember this Dodge Aries I had in HS, we called it the Dent-mobile. There were like 10 keys to that car, I think everyone in the family had one.
Glad it's worked out!
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